I would like to share you my beauty secrets which have helped me gain a better skin. Do check out the steps for best home remedies for a glowing skin. Inadequate sleep, sunlight, pollution, lack of nutritions are the main reasons that makes our skin worst. These are the best home remedies for a glowing skin and a natural alternative to cosmetic products.
1.Turmeric Remedies for a glowing skin.
Ingredients –
1 teaspoon turmeric powder.
4 tablespoon gram flour ( also called chickpeas flour) , Milk.
- Mix turmeric with gram flour, add 2/3 teaspoon milk till it form a paste.
- Apply this to your face, hands, legs and neck.
- You can repeat this twice a week.
Helps – turmeric helps in enhancing collagen production .It contains cucurmin, which has string antioxidants properties. It will eliminate all the harmful radicals that are damaging your skin. Gram flour gently cleans and Brighten your skin.
2. Aloe Vera for glowing skin.
Ingredients – aloe Vera gel
A pinch of turmeric
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon milk.
Mix – mix all ingredients, apply on face and neck evenly.
Leave It for for 20 mins.
You can apply this face pack two times a week.
Helps – Aloe Vera is a best reminds for all skin problem. It has nourishing and healing properties, rejuvenate skin and gives a natural glow to your skin.
3. Lemon for glowing skin –
Ingredients – 2 tablespoon lemon
2 tablespoon sugar.
Mix – Mix both ingredients well and apply on face and tanned skin of hand and legs.
Scrub in a circular motion and leave it for 10min.
Rinse off with warm water.
You can repeat this twice a week.
Helps – The sugar granules helps to rid from dead skin, lemon cleans, bleach and remove tanned skin.
It is one of the best home remedies to de tan and glowing skin.
4. Papaya
Ingredients – A few pieces of papaya.
Add 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder and Fullers earth ( Multani mitti)
1 tablespoon honey.
Mix – mix all ingredients well to form a paste and apply it on your face and neck.
Keep it for 20 mins.
You can do this just once a week and get better results.
Helps – Papaya helps to remove dead cells from your skin, make your skin look radiant and younger. Cleans dirt and oil from your face.
Multani mitti absorbs all oil from your face which helps to prevent skin from acne and breakouts. Honey is a natural moisturiser and hydrates skin.This is the best anti – ageing face pack.
Ingredients –
Grate small cucumber
2-3 tablespoon yougurt.
Mix – Mix both and mix properly
Apply on face and neck.
Leave it for 20 min and wash it with cold water.
Helps – Cucumber helps skin to feel cool, rejuvenates dull skin with its antioxidant properties.
Relaxes and refreshes your skin.
6. Green tea
Ingredients –
1 tablespoon of green tea leaves.
1 cup of water
Brown sugar 2 tablespoon.
1 tablespoon cream.
Making – Boil the green tea leaves in water. When they impart colour, remove them from the flame.
Keep it aside to cool and then add 2 teaspoon from it in a bowl.
Add brown sugar and cream and mix well.
Apply All over the face,scrubbing gently in a circular motion.
Wash your face after 10 mins.
Helps – green tea maintains the elasticity of the skin, makes your skin glow, and has anti ageing properties.
7.Banana –
Mash ripe banana and massage it on your skin.
Helps – banana helps moisturizing your skin. It has potassium,vitamin E and C which helps in
cleaning skin.
8.Potato –
Take Grated raw potato & brown sugar.
Mix – mix well and scrub gently in a circular motion and leave it for 20 mins.
Helps – potato is known for its scar and skin lightening qualities.Helps in removing dead and tanned skin. These are the best home remedies for a glowing skin.